今天的句子是﹕Not so fast!
還是這部1996年的電影﹕外星人入侵 (The Arrival) by Charlie Sheen

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Rory Vaden - A 25 year old with a mind of an 35.

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翻譯有獎徵答(翻得好的前三名有小獎品-Portable skype earphone 一個)
我們知道 “Nothing is impossible” 被翻成 「沒有不可能的事」「什麼都可能」

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Here's my personal comments about the speech contests in Spring Convention. By "raindrop"

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[I move this from the reply section.] from Sunshine

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今天的句子是﹕Do you want it?
還是這部1996年的電影﹕外星人入侵 (The Arrival) by Charlie Sheen

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This is from anonymous "Mosquito"

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Now that the Spring Con is over, we may you this place as a forum to talk about
all the stuff that was going on at the conference.

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今天體重195磅﹐從最高點下來15磅﹐以我長期的體重而言﹐我覺得應該是10磅 (4.5公斤)
明天會 post 之前和之後的相片﹐不過最後的官方證明是三個星期之後的體檢報告。

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今天的句子是﹕ It's just a detour!

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